I've always been able to defend that because I owned a flat in Cardiff - I just couldn't live in it because I work in Swindon! I don't mind the commute from Cheltenham but couldn't cope with the Severn Bridge every day!
But in May I sold that flat. So suddenly I was coming up to 31 and living with my parents. My 31st birthday was the turning point.
So two days later I went to look round a house.
Two days later I looked at the same one again.
Four days after that - my offer was accepted. Today we exchanged contracts.
It's the first house I've looked at and it just felt right. I am really really excited!
So I'm flying the nest (technically I did this at 18....) I'm leaving my parents' house! I'm setting up by myself!
It's going to feel so strange... Oh wait. It won't because I'm moving to a house on the same street. No laughing!
BUT. When I sold my Cardiff house I chucked everything away. I wasn't moving for aaaaages so would just buy stuff gradually. So I actually own nothing and will have to start again.
YAY, more shopping!
So apologies, because this blog will become rather house focused - mainly because I'll have no money to go out.
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