Friday, February 15, 2013

Don't touch my magazines

In the spirit of helping you all learn a bit more about me, I wanted to tell you about my *slight* obsession.

I changed the name of my blog today, to something that is very important to me. Yep, my name is Kate and I'm a magaholic. 

I subscribe to eight magazines a month. I also buy Grazia religiously every month. I have a problem, here's why:
  • I subscribe so they come in plastic and no one has touched them (also it's cheaper)
  • If I buy a magazine in the shop, I take one from the middle of the pile
  • I CANNOT skip ahead - if I see a headline that attracts me, I have to read the whole magazine in order to get to that story
  • I take my own magazines to the hairdressers - then no one has touched them but me
  • I once bought a second copy of a magazine when I spilled a drink on the first copy
  • I once stabbed someone with a fork for touching an unread magazine
I recently subscribed to my first digital magazine. I love it, but it's not replacing my print versions. It's a photography weekly and designed specifically for the iPad - nothing will ever replace print magazines for me. Every time one comes through my door I get a bit excited about it - and nothing beats sitting down on a Friday night with a glass (bottle) of wine and a pile of new magazines. Yeah I know, I'm a loser. I don't care.

I also have to restrict myself to 8! I love Vanity Fair, Tatler, Elle, Vogue etc etc but I'd spend a fricking fortune if I bought all the ones I wanted!

And I can almost hear you saying... "How much does that lot cost?"

Well I've added it up. I've always avoided doing this.

I spend AT LEAST £350 a year on magazines. £350!!!!! Bloody hell!

Oh well, I have the last three years' worth of BBC Good Food, Practical Photography and Digital Camera nicely stored away. The rest... well, I need to donate them to a doctor's surgery so someone else can get some fun out of them.

1 comment:

  1. I used to subscribe to F1 Racing and Auto sport, but then I had to reign in spending...
